Saturday, November 20, 2010

Radio Brandy Settels Into New Location

Radio Brandy has relocated its west coast operations to Kern County. The relocation gives us access to faster broadband and all things living in a town offers like: A post office, grocery store, people and paved roads. Being out in the middle of nowhere had it drawbacks; like having to drive 40 miles for everything.

Radio Brandy Staff

Friday, June 11, 2010

Radio Brandy Is Following Abby

Radio Brandy is proud to be following Abby Sunderland, on her Voyage home. Abby is a winner to us; no matter which way she home. Very few of us, would even have the guts to take on the world; like Abby has.

We are very proud of you! Abby! It's good to know you are safe.
Follow Abby here

Radio Brandy
Staff & Students