Friday, February 24, 2006

Radio Brandy Funding

Radio Brandy will be raising funds to support our operation, The cost of operating our program has gone up allot with the increase of rent and fuel cost. We depend products and continued support from people who believe in and understand the need for what we are doing.
Items we will be offering for sale include:
Bumper Stickers
The Radio Brandy radio station store may set up shop in Las Vegas, We are still working out what the best location for our fellow broadcasters. Another location we are looking into would be around Kramer Junction, the location where Hwy58 and Hwy395 meet in California.
We are looking for an area that's easy to do business in and still convenient for broadcasters to visit. the Las Vegas area is looking very good at this point.

Radio Brandy

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Radio Brandy Mini studio

The Radio Brandy now serves two part 15 stations, Broadcast quality studio for under $800.
We will be guiding our students, who will be building a new part 15 am studio for under $1000 using brand new equipment.

Radio Brandy's Mini Studio

Radio Brandy's new blog is now live

Radio Brandy's blog will keep you up on the latest news around the Radio Campus.
Radio Brandy plans on becoming a major in the broadcast community in 2006.

Radio Brandy Staff